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QHHT Regressive Hypnosis

Regressive hypnosis or inner journey?

Hypnosis is said to be regressive as long as we are talking about letting ourselves be guided along the paths of our past lives.

But isn't that limiting it to a belief system?

For me, hypnosis as taught by Dolores Cannon allows us to go much further, it is really about exploring the confines of our soul story.

It is in this idea that I see regressive hypnosis. That is why rather than talking about hypnosis, I prefer to talk about an Inner Journey… A journey towards all the parts of us, existing at the same time and constituting as many parts of ourselves, all united towards what the Hindus call Moksha, the Liberation from their own chosen environments and Universes.

The term "hypnosis" as we are used to hearing it has nothing to do with the journey I propose. I will follow and accompany the person, who will make the journey themselves. No information will be induced from me, I am there to supervise and ensure that the answers to the problems are obtained and clearly understood.

The wonderful thing about this therapy is that all the answers and information come from the patient's own mouth and he will be able to hear them later with the recording of the session that will be provided, in his own voice. The process is therefore not as "invasive" as when the therapist induces a hypnotic state to insert new information. Here, we will seek, via this hypnotic state, the desired information, directly in the depths of the subconscious.

We cannot dream of anything more precise than finding within ourselves the answers to the questions we ask ourselves!


This is the type of journey I offer you, a session can last from one to several hours. Nothing can be calculated in advance since each individual has their own soul story and their own answers to find…

The price will remain fixed: €120

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